Yesterday the New York Times LENS blog posted a short essay in which it asked the question, "Were there too many photographers in Haiti?" It's an important question, and not only for Haiti in 2010. As LENS points out,
At one point there were almost certainly too many photographers in Haiti. But which point? This question is scarcely new. It attends every war, every conflict; each famine, disaster and political upheaval.
The post and accompanying images, slideshow, and thoughtful comments at LENS are well worth checking out. This weekend a live, real-time conversation on these issues will happen over at BAGnewsNotes, which is hosting a salon on visual coverage of Haiti this Sunday afternoon from 3-4:30 pm EST. (Yes, cross-programming with the Super Bowl pre-game shows). Invited guests include 5 photojournalists, 3 of whom were shooting in Haiti in the week after the earthquake. I'm looking forward to moderating the discussion, hosted by The BAG's Michael Shaw and BAG producer Neil Harris. Visual politicians among you, feel free to check it out and join in.