From time to time friends pass along image-related stuff they think I might be interested in. And I always am. It's long past time that I started sharing these gifts more systematically on the blog. For example, here are a few things from last week alone:
Dr. Rhetoric shared the National Science Foundation's choices for the Best Science Images of 2007.
The Vanderbilt Cara passed along something from filmmaker Errol Morris's blog Zoom about Susan Sontag, photo fakes and images of the Crimean War.
Jordana Mendelson, art historian extraordinaire and former U of I colleague, was quoted in a recent New York Times story on Spanish war photographer Gerda Taro.
And finally, this from the news over the weekend: how satellite images are helping to expose human rights abuses in Myanmar (Burma).
I have set up a list over there on the right (you might have to scroll down a bit) where I'll collect these and other links. Obviously I will continue to write about images in the blog itself, but the list will serve as a more easily accessible archive of what I'm lookin' at.
i LOVE those little baby eyes!
Posted by: dhawhee | 01 October 2007 at 06:45 PM
She's an angry-lookin' lil' thing, isn't she?
Posted by: caraf | 02 October 2007 at 12:00 PM