It is a truism for me that any writing I do before 9 am is usually the best work I do all day. The thing I can't figure out is why I forget this fact over and over again and let other things clutter up that golden time. So I did an intervention with myself last week and have since gone back to what works. While this has meant abandoning some things I like, such as early morning workouts, I know it's all for the best -- cuz me in jammies at 7 am with tea and the laptop? Apparently it's a winning combination. Especially on gray and rainy mornings like this one.
awesome. I did sth similar this week: set my alarm for 2 hours earlier, swore off email except for the 6 minutes that coffee is brewing. And then strictly writing for 2 or 2.5 hours. Sleepwalking through the day, but happily so.
Posted by: dhawhee | 11 April 2007 at 09:41 AM
Oh dear: I identify with this sentiment completely. For me, it's between the hours of 8:30 and noon . . . but I let blog reading and writing and email get in the way.
I need your discipline!
Posted by: Joshie Juice | 11 April 2007 at 10:34 AM
I find I do my best parenting before 9:00 AM too. "Knock it off! I am trying to drink my coffee!" Hmmm. Maybe I am more of a night owl...
Posted by: Scott Springman | 11 April 2007 at 03:02 PM
So with you on this one. The truly scary thing about me, though, is that my hours tend to be between 3a.m and 8a.m....yup, a little bit crazy, but damn productive. Makes teaching that evening seminar a bitch, though...
Posted by: mindy | 11 April 2007 at 05:20 PM
Wow, Mindy, now that's really being a morning person! But you gotta go with what works, I think that's the key. And Joshie, I'm not sure if it's "discipline" I'm seeking so much as "routine." (Discipline sounds so, well, discipline-y...).
Posted by: caraf | 12 April 2007 at 10:41 AM